May 16, 2019

Get Wisdom

COmmunity Event

We’ll face several critical decisions in our life that require some profound wisdom. Where we turn for answers will dictate our direction. And the course we take can have a significant downstream impact on both our life and our legacy.

God never intended for us to have a flip-the-coin decision-making process. God is much more available and directional than we might imagine. Life should never be a “throw of the dice” for Christ followers. He wants to pour wisdom into us, so we’re headed in the right direction and making decisions that are measured, prudent, produce immense joy, and overflowing life.

One of the most significant reservoirs of wisdom is God’s Word. The proverbs are chalked full of understanding that can give us nuanced insight and specific steps. But often we need wise counsel. Words from someone who has lived longer and has diligently applied the scriptures can shed light on a situation, so we don’t step into a mirage of blessing.

Ignoring wisdom is precisely where King Rehoboam blew it. He’s the son of Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, but he opts for the advice of his friends. Rehoboam “abandoned the counsel of the old men.” Ignoring the sage wisdom God had put around him was a colossal misstep that derailed his leadership and divided the kingdom. What we can learn from Rehoboam’s folly is powerfully preserving.

Wise counsel will tell us what we need to hear, not always what we want to hear. Find people who fear God more than they are enamored with us. Recognize that our peers usually have our same perspective and motivations. But don’t just find older people. Seek out counsel who is measured, has a good track record and wants us to get a win. We may well get some decisions wrong, but God has grace for those as well. The goal of seeking wise counsel is not perfection, but it is getting enough wisdom so we can feel confident in our decisions. Getting wisdom at the front end will give us the confidence to move through trials to the very end.

What To Do:

  • Approach God with humility – everything good is born in brokenness.
  • Study the scriptures  – it is loaded with wisdom for today.
  • Find allies and mentors – they have plenty to give us.
  • Listen to the Holy Spirit – Jesus said he will, "lead us into all truth."

I Kings 12

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