Ready for an adventure? At 180 Chicago Church, we're a diverse group of people walking with Jesus on the greatest adventure on the planet: discipleship. Our passion is to see people come alive as disciples of Christ. That's because we believe God specializes in life transformation, especially the big, that's impossible, I've-given-up-on-that kind of stuff. So come join us on this adventure – we can't wait to meet you!
You are partnering with God and experiencing His power.
Your mind is being renewed and freed from destructive thinking.
You’re finally putting to death those sins that have been killing you.
You have quality people around you who help you live the abundant life.
You now live in a way that puts your faith in motion and gives you energy.
Your direction is clear because you’re focused on your passion and gifting.
You’re making the best use of your time and impacting the world.