Jerry Yeo

A cool-sounding subtitle goes here.
COmmunity Event

Jerry was born in a small town in Malaysia and was raised in a traditional Chinese family with a mix of Confucius, Taoist, and Buddhist beliefs. When he was in the sixth grade, he was invited to a gospel meeting at a local church where he heard a simple salvation message and accepted Jesus as his Savior and Lord.

Jerry was active in student fellowship ministry in college. He met his wife, Tet-Kin, at the University of Malaya where they were classmates serving in the campus Chi-Alpha ministry. They both came to the US to pursue graduate studies in Brooklyn in the late ‘70s. After graduation they did further postdoctoral training in Washington DC & Seattle before landing their first jobs in Boston.  

Wherever the Lord has led Jerry to different places of vocation, he has always found the calling with Tet-Kin to start a local Christian fellowship when there was none, as well as serving as a faculty advisor to established student campus ministry groups. Jerry’s passion and ministry is mentoring young adults as he sees his calling both as an educator and teacher.  At 180, Jerry is co-leading one of the 180 Home group and College ministry, and serving in the Connection team. His prayer is that he can be used by the Lord along with others to jumpstart and establish a vibrant and effective college ministry at 180.

Jerry is married to Tet-Kin, his college sweetheart of 44 years, and has 3 adult children and 4 grandkids. He loves traveling and savoring different kinds of foods, and more recently learning to like hiking with his beloved. Since 2007, they live in the Bridgeport neighborhood in Chicago and enjoy hanging out and spoiling their grandkids (ages 4 months-5 years)!

Any questions?

You can reach out to
Jerry Yeo